I read and re-read the graph where you suggest Dune 2 may have more meaning during a “renewed war with Jihadism” and that could make it “politically much more explosive.” Not sure what you meant and never stumbled on you before, I saw that you have been published by The Guardian, WIRED, and the BBC. So you’ve been published by some established outlets, (and so have I).
You’re a writer who can view the same videos and images that every other writer and feeling person in the world can view, and yet you seem to think that the Israeli government is fighting “Jihadism” in Gaza when they bomb hospitals, massacre children, and assassinate journalists and their families.
I really am baffled. Anyways, after 10,000 more children die in Israel’s razing of the open air prison that they long ago created for, as you might put it, Jihadists, I hope you find something to enjoy in Dune 2 next year.